John Robert Powers a permit à Sean de se tremper les pieds dans l’industrie à travers le jeu d’acteur, le chant, la danse, le manniquariat, les affaires et le développement personnel. Pendant qu’il étudie à John Robert Powers, Sean souligne la prise en charge amicale et professionnelle du personnel, qui lui permet de vivre une expérience inoubliable. Sean a aussi participé à iPOP et se souvient de cette expérience avec fierté et enthousiasme. Cette opportunité lui permit d’être en contact direct avec les juges, les agents et les gérants de l’industrie qui lui ont souligné l’importance de l’entretient de l’image et du professionnalisme.
Aujourd’hui, Sean continue la quête de son rêve à Los Angeles, sous la direction d’une équipe dévouée à le lancé dans différents domaines de l’industrie. Il n’oubliera jamais l’impact de sa participation aux cours de John Robert Powers. Il soutient qu’il a vécu une expérience positive et il est revenu en visite à maintes reprises depuis son départ. Sa mère, Minh, a bien réalisée que John Robert Powers a honoré sa promesse initiale. Elle est fière de reconnaître que son fils a acquis du professionnalisme et de la confiance, et elle reconnaît iPOP comme l’événement ayant offert le plus d’opportunités à Sean.
After starting at John Robert Powers in 2008, Sean David Mercado is breaking into the acting industry with some impressive accomplishments. While still focusing on acquiring skills through his acting classes, Sean has transferred to Los Angeles to continue to improve his look and marketing potential.
John Robert Powers has helped Sean to test the water with all aspects of the entertainment industry, such as acting, modeling, singing, dancing, business and self-awareness. While studying at John Robert Powers, Sean reflects that he was continuously surrounded by good friends and caring staff members, making his time at this school a very memorable experience. Sean also participated in IPOP, and recalls the experience with pride and excitement. This experience gave him the great opportunity of being directly exposed to judges, agents and managers within the industry, teaching him the importance of professionalism and self-image.
Today, Sean is continuing to pursue his dream in Los Angeles, under the management of a great team who is very dedicated to launching Sean into a new dimension of the entertainment industry. He will never forget the importance of attending classes at John Robert Powers. He recalls his time here as a very positive one, and has returned many times to visit since his departure. His mother, Minh, has come to realize that John Robert Powers has delivered precisely what we first promised. She proudly states that her son has achieved skills, professionalism and confidence, and regards IPOP as the event that opened up the most doors and potential opportunities for him.
John Robert Powers has helped Sean to test the water with all aspects of the entertainment industry, such as acting, modeling, singing, dancing, business and self-awareness. While studying at John Robert Powers, Sean reflects that he was continuously surrounded by good friends and caring staff members, making his time at this school a very memorable experience. Sean also participated in IPOP, and recalls the experience with pride and excitement. This experience gave him the great opportunity of being directly exposed to judges, agents and managers within the industry, teaching him the importance of professionalism and self-image.
Today, Sean is continuing to pursue his dream in Los Angeles, under the management of a great team who is very dedicated to launching Sean into a new dimension of the entertainment industry. He will never forget the importance of attending classes at John Robert Powers. He recalls his time here as a very positive one, and has returned many times to visit since his departure. His mother, Minh, has come to realize that John Robert Powers has delivered precisely what we first promised. She proudly states that her son has achieved skills, professionalism and confidence, and regards IPOP as the event that opened up the most doors and potential opportunities for him.
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