Je me sens très chanceuse d’être une étudiante chez John Robert Powers car je me fais offrir d’innombrables opportunités. Mon premier rappel a été pour un défilé de mode pour Taste of the Caribbean. Ce rappel a été une source de grande fierté et d’accomplissement. Cela a aussi été une motivation à travailler plus fort, ce que j’ai fais. Récemment, j’ai obtenu un rôle de figuration dans les films Funky Town et Fakers et je n’ai aucune intention de m’arrêter ici ou de ralentir.
Travailler comme figurante m’a seulement motivé à obtenir un rôle principal dans mon propre film. Je suis très reconnaissante de JRP : je peux honnêtement dire que sans cette opportunité, je ne serais pas allé aussi loin. Je dois dédier un merci bien spécial à mes enseignantes Laudia et Andru qui ont cru en moi et qui m’ont constamment poussé et soutenu. C’est très important d’utiliser les conseils des professeurs, ce que j’ai fais et que j’ai l’intention de continuer à faire. Grâce à JRP et les professeurs, j’ai l’impression que je peux accomplir tous les buts que je me fixe.
JRP a changé ma vie pour le mieux. Merci JRP!"
“My Experience at John Robert Powers has been an astounding one. The teachers and students are great. I am an aspiring Model/Actress. I first started JRP in December of 2008 at 18 years old and my first class was improvisation. I have learned so many techniques that I am able to apply in every audition that I attend. My second class at JRP was Image/Runway. Every week I learned something new about modeling and everything I learned I use where ever I go.
I feel very lucky to be a JRP student because I have an immense amount of opportunities here with non stop auditions and casting letters. My first call back was for a fashion show for Taste of the Caribbean. Getting a call back gave me a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. It also was a motivating factor to work harder, which is exactly what I did. Recently, I booked a role as an extra in the movies Funky Town and Fakers and I do not intend on stopping my success or slowing down.
Working on set on a movie as an extra only motivated me more to get a lead role in my own film. I am very grateful for JRP; I can honestly say that without this learning opportunity I would not have made it this far. I have to give special thanks to my teachers Laudia and Andru who really believe in me and constantly push me further. It is important to take all advice your teachers offer you, which is what I do and intend on continuing to do. Because of JRP and the teachers here, I feel as though I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
JPR has changed my life for the better. Thank You JRP.”
I feel very lucky to be a JRP student because I have an immense amount of opportunities here with non stop auditions and casting letters. My first call back was for a fashion show for Taste of the Caribbean. Getting a call back gave me a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. It also was a motivating factor to work harder, which is exactly what I did. Recently, I booked a role as an extra in the movies Funky Town and Fakers and I do not intend on stopping my success or slowing down.
Working on set on a movie as an extra only motivated me more to get a lead role in my own film. I am very grateful for JRP; I can honestly say that without this learning opportunity I would not have made it this far. I have to give special thanks to my teachers Laudia and Andru who really believe in me and constantly push me further. It is important to take all advice your teachers offer you, which is what I do and intend on continuing to do. Because of JRP and the teachers here, I feel as though I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
JPR has changed my life for the better. Thank You JRP.”
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