"Un des plus beaux aspects de la vie est d’avoir la possibilité d’aimer ce que l’on fait et le faire refléter dans notre entourage. C’est sans aucun doute mon cas. Jusqu’à maintenant, j’ai vécu des moments mémorables dans ma vie en voyageant, en rencontrant des gens fantastiques et en voyant les merveilles du monde. J’ai pu, ainsi, grandir en tant que personne et en tant qu’artiste. J’ai littéralement rencontré ma destinée. Bien que j’ai pu m’accomplir et me découvrir grâce à ces expériences, le meilleur reste à venir, ce qui rend cette aventure de plus en plus excitante et satisfaisante.
Le plus important est que sans John Robert Powers, rien de tout ça me serait arrivé! Vous m’avez ouvert des portes et offerts des opportunités dont je ne connaissais même pas l’existence.
Du fond du cœur, "
Fillip décroche les contrats les uns après les autres. Effectivement, il a récemment été le personnage principal dans une publicité télévisée internationale, tournée à New-York, pour Coca-Cola, une publicité télévisée nationale, tournée à Toronto, pour Shoe Carnival Us, ainsi qu’une publicité télévisée nationale pour Reebok, tournée à Toronto. De plus, il a rencontré des directeurs de casting des studios CBS à New-York en plus de ceux de Los Angeles, Toronto, Montréal, Miami, Détroit, Boston, etc. Il a eu l’honneur de rencontrer plusieurs célébrités et a été invité à auditionner pour des émissions tels que Beverley Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl et bien d’autres, en plus d’auditionner pour les producteurs de Baby Face. Ses aventures à travers le pays et dans le monde lui ont bâti une base solide afin de construire sa route vers un succès inévitable!
“One of the most beautiful aspects of life is to love what you are doing and be appreciated for it by others. That is without any doubt my case. I've traveled the World from East to West and met the most amazing people, saw the most astonishing wonders and had the most thrilling time of my life. I've grown both as a person and as an artist and literary came face to face with my purpose. The best part about this whole "wild ride" is, that no matter how exciting and fulfilling the past was, the future seems even better and more thrilling.
More importantly none of this would ever occur without John Robert Powers. You have opened doors which I never knew were there.
From the bottom of my heart,”
More importantly none of this would ever occur without John Robert Powers. You have opened doors which I never knew were there.
From the bottom of my heart,”
- Filip Diarra
Filip is landing numerous jobs, one after another, but most recently he has enjoyed being the Lead in an International Coca-Cola TV Commercial shot in New York, a Shoe Carnival US National TV Commercial Shot in Toronto as well as a Reebok National TV Commercial also shot in Toronto. He has been meeting casting directors in CBS Studios in New York, others from Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Detroit, Boston etc. He has had the pleasure of meeting various celebrities and has even been asked to audition for shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl and many others as well as for star producers such as Baby Face. His travels in, out and around the country keep him extremely busy and are great stepping stones on his path to inevitable success!
Filip is landing numerous jobs, one after another, but most recently he has enjoyed being the Lead in an International Coca-Cola TV Commercial shot in New York, a Shoe Carnival US National TV Commercial Shot in Toronto as well as a Reebok National TV Commercial also shot in Toronto. He has been meeting casting directors in CBS Studios in New York, others from Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Detroit, Boston etc. He has had the pleasure of meeting various celebrities and has even been asked to audition for shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl and many others as well as for star producers such as Baby Face. His travels in, out and around the country keep him extremely busy and are great stepping stones on his path to inevitable success!