To Patrizio Sanzari,
I am writing to express my gratitude for everything John Robert Powers Montreal has done for me. Your teaching methods have opened my eyes and showed me a different world and given me the self confidence to express myself in public and to my peers, which I was lacking in the past. Today I am self assured, motivated and more aware of my environment. The school I attend and my father have noticed great changes in my personality, for the best I assure you.
My grades have improved markedly over the past months since attending John Robert Powers due to the self awareness and assuredness I now have. With the coaching which was given to me by un-believable teachers such as, Karl Graboshas and Michelle Boback, who by there wit, patience and care opened my outlook when I began learning. Luc de Bruin and Julien Boissaud teaching me monologue. Julien I can’t wait to attend your French linguistic classes!!
Kent McQuaid, my most trusted and best teacher at the John Robert Powers School who has thought me Film Scene Study and now Advanced Master Scene Class. By his outstanding teaching methods, Patience, care and continual reassurance has enlightened and motivated me to pursue my dream and to follow in his footsteps.
Last but not least Patrizio Sanzari and Bianca who have always shown me so much patience and genuine care when I needed someone to talk to, I have the utmost admiration and love. While it's up to me now, the initial results would not have been possible without your support.
To the students who attend my classes and made the time spent at J.R.P. Montreal so much fun I love you all. PSSssssst! Sabrina you are the best!!
An opportunity is little more than two forces combining to create a desired effect. I believe that thanks to John Robert Powers Montreal such a situation exists if people are willing to work hard but always to remember that this must be also FUN.
Yours truly,
Jasmine Dubreuil
Ontario, Canada
Congrats! From JRP Montreal.
L'équipe de JRP Montréal aimerait féliciter les étudiants suivants, qui voyageront à Los Angeles ce janvier prochain avec l'entraîneur Patrizio Sanzari, pour représenter notre Académie à Montréal au International Presentation of Performers! Là ils seront donnés aux occasions de gestion de réseau qu'ils auront besoin pour acquérir la représentation d'agent américain et rencontrer les directeurs de casting américains. Félicitations! Et bonne chance!
Congrats! From JRP Montreal.
L'Équipe JRP Montréal voudrait féliciter Katherine Nagy, qui est actuellement sur le plateau d'un film Angleterre.Félicitations! Et nous attendons impatiemment de vous voir sur le Grand Écran!
The JRP Montreal Team would like to congratulate Katherine Nagy, who is currently on set in England filming a movie. Congratulations! And we look forward to seeing you on the Big Screen!
Congrats! From JRP Montreal.
L'Équipe JRP Montréal voudrait féliciter Eloy Jose Herrera, qui a récemment signé avec l'agence MGM à New York. Félicitations! Et continuez le bon travail!
The JRP Montreal Team would like to congratulate Eloy Jose Herrera, who has recently signed with MGM in New York City. Congratulations! And keep up the great work!
Princilia Nzamba Djombo
- Princilia
Passionnée, persistante, empathique, Princilia savoure la simplicité et respire l’exubérance. Elle est très impliquée dans sa communauté et n’hésite jamais à se dévouée; principalement à la garderie de son église et avec les aînés de sa communauté. Cette jeune femme extrêmement motivée fonce vers les défis de plus en plus grands afin de développer ses habilitées de leader. C’est pourquoi l’équipe de John Robert Powers Montréal n’était pas surprise, mais non moins excitée, d’apprendre qu’elle fut nommée comme première remplaçante de la gagnante de Miss Canada 2009. Même si Princilia est passionnée par les langues et qu’elle étudie actuellement dans un baccalauréat en Traduction à l’université de Concordia, elle est tout aussi dévouée à faire tout ce qu’elle peut afin de vivre son rêve de devenir une actrice.
"I try not to leave anything to chance when it comes to my dream of becoming an actress. This is why I started studying at John Robert Powers; in order to improve my acting abilities and camera technique. At the same time, my acting classes helped me a great deal while I participated in the Miss Canada competition. During my acting classes at JRP, the teacher always encouraged me to smile as much as I could. This proved to be great practice for competition, where I had to smile in front of the judges at all times! More importantly, the workshops during classes allowed me to loosen up and gave me courage to speak with confidence in public."
- Princilia
Passionate, persistent, empathetic, Princilia enjoys simplicity and breathes exuberance. She is very involved within her community and never hesitates to give back; mainly at the daycare at her church taking of children, and helping senior citizens. This extremely motivated young woman strives to take on bigger challenges to attest her leardership abilities. As a result we at John Robert Powers Montreal were not surprised, however exceptionally pleased to hear that she was named First Runner-Up in this year’s Miss Canada competion. Although Princilia has a passion for language and is studying for her baccalaureate in Translation, at Concordia University, she is dually wiling to do whatever it takes to live her dream of becoming an actress.
- Princilia
Passionate, persistent, empathetic, Princilia enjoys simplicity and breathes exuberance. She is very involved within her community and never hesitates to give back; mainly at the daycare at her church taking of children, and helping senior citizens. This extremely motivated young woman strives to take on bigger challenges to attest her leardership abilities. As a result we at John Robert Powers Montreal were not surprised, however exceptionally pleased to hear that she was named First Runner-Up in this year’s Miss Canada competion. Although Princilia has a passion for language and is studying for her baccalaureate in Translation, at Concordia University, she is dually wiling to do whatever it takes to live her dream of becoming an actress.
Filip Diarra

"Un des plus beaux aspects de la vie est d’avoir la possibilité d’aimer ce que l’on fait et le faire refléter dans notre entourage. C’est sans aucun doute mon cas. Jusqu’à maintenant, j’ai vécu des moments mémorables dans ma vie en voyageant, en rencontrant des gens fantastiques et en voyant les merveilles du monde. J’ai pu, ainsi, grandir en tant que personne et en tant qu’artiste. J’ai littéralement rencontré ma destinée. Bien que j’ai pu m’accomplir et me découvrir grâce à ces expériences, le meilleur reste à venir, ce qui rend cette aventure de plus en plus excitante et satisfaisante.
Le plus important est que sans John Robert Powers, rien de tout ça me serait arrivé! Vous m’avez ouvert des portes et offerts des opportunités dont je ne connaissais même pas l’existence.
Du fond du cœur, "
Fillip décroche les contrats les uns après les autres. Effectivement, il a récemment été le personnage principal dans une publicité télévisée internationale, tournée à New-York, pour Coca-Cola, une publicité télévisée nationale, tournée à Toronto, pour Shoe Carnival Us, ainsi qu’une publicité télévisée nationale pour Reebok, tournée à Toronto. De plus, il a rencontré des directeurs de casting des studios CBS à New-York en plus de ceux de Los Angeles, Toronto, Montréal, Miami, Détroit, Boston, etc. Il a eu l’honneur de rencontrer plusieurs célébrités et a été invité à auditionner pour des émissions tels que Beverley Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl et bien d’autres, en plus d’auditionner pour les producteurs de Baby Face. Ses aventures à travers le pays et dans le monde lui ont bâti une base solide afin de construire sa route vers un succès inévitable!
“One of the most beautiful aspects of life is to love what you are doing and be appreciated for it by others. That is without any doubt my case. I've traveled the World from East to West and met the most amazing people, saw the most astonishing wonders and had the most thrilling time of my life. I've grown both as a person and as an artist and literary came face to face with my purpose. The best part about this whole "wild ride" is, that no matter how exciting and fulfilling the past was, the future seems even better and more thrilling.
More importantly none of this would ever occur without John Robert Powers. You have opened doors which I never knew were there.
From the bottom of my heart,”
More importantly none of this would ever occur without John Robert Powers. You have opened doors which I never knew were there.
From the bottom of my heart,”
- Filip Diarra
Filip is landing numerous jobs, one after another, but most recently he has enjoyed being the Lead in an International Coca-Cola TV Commercial shot in New York, a Shoe Carnival US National TV Commercial Shot in Toronto as well as a Reebok National TV Commercial also shot in Toronto. He has been meeting casting directors in CBS Studios in New York, others from Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Detroit, Boston etc. He has had the pleasure of meeting various celebrities and has even been asked to audition for shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl and many others as well as for star producers such as Baby Face. His travels in, out and around the country keep him extremely busy and are great stepping stones on his path to inevitable success!
Filip is landing numerous jobs, one after another, but most recently he has enjoyed being the Lead in an International Coca-Cola TV Commercial shot in New York, a Shoe Carnival US National TV Commercial Shot in Toronto as well as a Reebok National TV Commercial also shot in Toronto. He has been meeting casting directors in CBS Studios in New York, others from Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Detroit, Boston etc. He has had the pleasure of meeting various celebrities and has even been asked to audition for shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, The Beautiful Life, Gossip Girl and many others as well as for star producers such as Baby Face. His travels in, out and around the country keep him extremely busy and are great stepping stones on his path to inevitable success!
Philippe Durocher-McBrearty

"Après seulement quelques semaines au sein de l’équipe de John Robert Powers, on m’a offert d’auditionner pour un agent de mannequins. Je fus ainsi signé par l’agence de mannequins Dulcedo, situé ici à Montréal. Une semaine plus tard, mon agent m’annonça qu’une influente agence de mannequins voulait me représenter et travailler avec moi à Milan!
Sans John Robert Powers, je n’aurais jamais pu vivre une telle opportunité. Leurs enseignements m’ont permis de perfectionner mes talents de mannequins et de me préparer pour l’industrie de la mode. Merci Patrizio d’avoir rendu tout cela possible!!!"
"Just a few weeks after joining JRP Montreal's team, I was offered to do an audition for a modelling agent. I was then signed by Dulcedo Model Management, right here in Montreal. A week later, my agent announced to me that Major Model Management was interested in representing and working with me in Milan!
Without JRP I would of never had this opportunity and training; with them I have perfected my modelling skills and I am now ready for the fashion world. Thank-you Patrizio for making this all possible!!!"
Without JRP I would of never had this opportunity and training; with them I have perfected my modelling skills and I am now ready for the fashion world. Thank-you Patrizio for making this all possible!!!"
Frazer McIntyre

"Je n’avais pas prévu de devenir un acteur. J’ai grandi à la campagne et je jouais au hockey depuis l’âge de quatorze ans. Je voulais essayer quelque chose de différent. J’ai alors auditionné afin d’être admis à John Robert Powers. Ils m’ont adoré, naturellement. J’ai été admis et quelques mois plus tard je me suis rendu à iPOP (Présentation internationale des performeurs). Je m’y suis beaucoup amusé, en plus d’avoir gagné plusieurs trophées et d’avoir été sollicité par plusieurs agents. Quelques mois plus tard, je me suis rendu à Los Angeles afin de rencontrer ces agents en question et j’ai du faire la difficile sélection d’une agence. J’ai finalement signé avec GEM Entertainment Group en décembre et j’ai commencé à auditionner en ligne via Montréal. Après quelques temps, ce n’était plus suffisant. Je vis maintenant dans une roulotte à Los Angeles afin de percer dans l’industrie. Je suis ici depuis 2 mois et c’est l’expérience d’une vie. Si je devais donner un conseil aux futurs acteurs/actrices, ce serait : assurez-vous de bien travailler à l’école et toujours, toujours prendre des cours de perfectionnement afin de diversifier et améliorer votre jeu."
“I did not plan on becoming an actor. I grew up in the country and played hockey up until I was fourteen. I decided I would try something new, so I went and auditioned to get into JRP. They loved me, naturally. I got in, and within just a few months I was off to iPOP (International Presentation Of Performers). While there, I did very well and cleaned house for callbacks, won a few trophies and had a great time! A few months later I travelled to Los Angeles to meet with my callbacks and try and make a very hard decision of who to sign with. I signed with GEM entertainment group in December and began doing online auditions from home. After a while that just wasn't enough, I am now living in a trailer in Los Angeles trying to make it big. I've been out here for 2 months and am having the experience of a lifetime. If I could give some advice to future actors/actresses, I would say: make sure you do well in school and always, always be taking acting classes to further your craft!”
Sean David Mercado

John Robert Powers a permit à Sean de se tremper les pieds dans l’industrie à travers le jeu d’acteur, le chant, la danse, le manniquariat, les affaires et le développement personnel. Pendant qu’il étudie à John Robert Powers, Sean souligne la prise en charge amicale et professionnelle du personnel, qui lui permet de vivre une expérience inoubliable. Sean a aussi participé à iPOP et se souvient de cette expérience avec fierté et enthousiasme. Cette opportunité lui permit d’être en contact direct avec les juges, les agents et les gérants de l’industrie qui lui ont souligné l’importance de l’entretient de l’image et du professionnalisme.
Aujourd’hui, Sean continue la quête de son rêve à Los Angeles, sous la direction d’une équipe dévouée à le lancé dans différents domaines de l’industrie. Il n’oubliera jamais l’impact de sa participation aux cours de John Robert Powers. Il soutient qu’il a vécu une expérience positive et il est revenu en visite à maintes reprises depuis son départ. Sa mère, Minh, a bien réalisée que John Robert Powers a honoré sa promesse initiale. Elle est fière de reconnaître que son fils a acquis du professionnalisme et de la confiance, et elle reconnaît iPOP comme l’événement ayant offert le plus d’opportunités à Sean.
After starting at John Robert Powers in 2008, Sean David Mercado is breaking into the acting industry with some impressive accomplishments. While still focusing on acquiring skills through his acting classes, Sean has transferred to Los Angeles to continue to improve his look and marketing potential.
John Robert Powers has helped Sean to test the water with all aspects of the entertainment industry, such as acting, modeling, singing, dancing, business and self-awareness. While studying at John Robert Powers, Sean reflects that he was continuously surrounded by good friends and caring staff members, making his time at this school a very memorable experience. Sean also participated in IPOP, and recalls the experience with pride and excitement. This experience gave him the great opportunity of being directly exposed to judges, agents and managers within the industry, teaching him the importance of professionalism and self-image.
Today, Sean is continuing to pursue his dream in Los Angeles, under the management of a great team who is very dedicated to launching Sean into a new dimension of the entertainment industry. He will never forget the importance of attending classes at John Robert Powers. He recalls his time here as a very positive one, and has returned many times to visit since his departure. His mother, Minh, has come to realize that John Robert Powers has delivered precisely what we first promised. She proudly states that her son has achieved skills, professionalism and confidence, and regards IPOP as the event that opened up the most doors and potential opportunities for him.
John Robert Powers has helped Sean to test the water with all aspects of the entertainment industry, such as acting, modeling, singing, dancing, business and self-awareness. While studying at John Robert Powers, Sean reflects that he was continuously surrounded by good friends and caring staff members, making his time at this school a very memorable experience. Sean also participated in IPOP, and recalls the experience with pride and excitement. This experience gave him the great opportunity of being directly exposed to judges, agents and managers within the industry, teaching him the importance of professionalism and self-image.
Today, Sean is continuing to pursue his dream in Los Angeles, under the management of a great team who is very dedicated to launching Sean into a new dimension of the entertainment industry. He will never forget the importance of attending classes at John Robert Powers. He recalls his time here as a very positive one, and has returned many times to visit since his departure. His mother, Minh, has come to realize that John Robert Powers has delivered precisely what we first promised. She proudly states that her son has achieved skills, professionalism and confidence, and regards IPOP as the event that opened up the most doors and potential opportunities for him.
Jessie Fucale
"Jessie est étudiante chez John Robert Powers depuis février 2008. Du haut de ses 11 ans, Jessie est déjà certaine de ses plans futurs et elle est déterminée à travailler fort pour atteindre ses objectifs. Ses cours, ses auditions et ses efforts ont déjà commencés à lui être bénéfiques. Effectivement, elle a été sélectionnée pour jouer dans un épisode de Skatoony à Toronto en mars 2009, ce qui a amorcé ses succès futurs. Jessie a participé à IPOP à Las Vegas en 2009. Elle a vécue une expérience exceptionnelle, gagnant la première place dans son groupe d’âge pour la compétition iSing. En plus, elle a été sélectionnée pour le spectacle de la soirée vouée à la remise des prix. Elle fut ensuite invitée à chanter pour le spectacle d’ouverture du Festival Juste Pour Rire de Montréal : semaine des jumeaux.
C’est avec beaucoup de fierté que Jessie et ses parents ont partagé ses succès de Las Vegas avec ses professeurs dès son retour. Il faut croire que ce qui arrive à Vegas, ne reste pas nécessairement à Vegas! Le maire de sa municipalité lui a offert de chanter à la journée des citoyens, une journée de célébrations qui rassemblent près de trois milles personnes. En plus, le maire a invité Jessie à une assemblée publique en septembre 2009, où elle a reçu l’honneur de signer le livre d’or de la ville et où elle a été interviewée par les journalistes locaux.
Jessie travaille toujours à perfectionner son talent et elle suit des leçons de guitare, lui ayant été recommandées par les directeurs de Las Vegas. Malgré son jeune âge, elle vise une carrière musicale et une carrière de comédienne. Qui sait, un jour elle atteindra la popularité! De la part de Jessie, mille merci à toute l’équipe de JRP!"
-Catherine Beaulieu (mère de Jessie)
“Jessie has been a student at John Robert Powers since February 2008. At the young age of 11, Jessie is already very certain of where she wants to be in the future and is determined to work hard to achieve her goals. Her classes, auditions and hard work have already started to pay off. She was selected to do an episode of Skatoony in Toronto in March 2009 and this experience got the ball rolling for future successes. Jessie attended iPOP Las Vegas in 2009 and had the time of her life, winning first place in her age category for the iSing competition and was selected for the showcase at Awards Night. Following this event, she was invited to sing a song for the opening of a show at the Montreal Just for Laughs Festival: Twin Week.
Proud of her achievements, Jessie and her parents told some of her teachers about her success in Las Vegas and the result was not as expected: What happened in Vegas, did not stay in Vegas! The mayor of the town she lives in invited Jessie to sing at Citizen Day: a day long celebration that includes live entertainment for approximately three thousand people. Furthermore, the mayor has personally invited Jessie to a Public Assembly in September 2009 where she will have the honour to sign the Golden Book and be interviewed by local journalists.
Jessie is still working hard at her craft and is currently taking guitar lessons following the suggestion of some Directors from Las Vegas. While she is still young, she is looking forward to a full career of music and acting! Who knows, one day she might…Just Reach Popularity!
On behalf of Jessie, a million thanks to all staff members at JRP!”
- Catherine Beaulieu (Jessie’s mother)
Proud of her achievements, Jessie and her parents told some of her teachers about her success in Las Vegas and the result was not as expected: What happened in Vegas, did not stay in Vegas! The mayor of the town she lives in invited Jessie to sing at Citizen Day: a day long celebration that includes live entertainment for approximately three thousand people. Furthermore, the mayor has personally invited Jessie to a Public Assembly in September 2009 where she will have the honour to sign the Golden Book and be interviewed by local journalists.
Jessie is still working hard at her craft and is currently taking guitar lessons following the suggestion of some Directors from Las Vegas. While she is still young, she is looking forward to a full career of music and acting! Who knows, one day she might…Just Reach Popularity!
On behalf of Jessie, a million thanks to all staff members at JRP!”
- Catherine Beaulieu (Jessie’s mother)
Colin Vosatka

Après avoir commencé ses études chez John Robert Powers en 2007, l’expérience de Colin dans l’industrie a débuté rapidement lors de sa participation à iPOP à Vancouver en 2008. Suite à l’engouement d’iPOP, Colin s’est fait offrir des opportunités comme mannequin qu’il ne pouvait pas refuser. Il a apparu sur la couverture du catalogue Technosport, ainsi que sur pages à l’intérieur. En plus, Colin est entré en contact avec l’Hudson Music Club, et il a apparu dans des pièces de théâtres tels que The Music Man et Beauty and the Beast. Même si son agenda est très chargé, Colin trouve du temps pour ses amis, rencontrés à John Robert Powers et iPOP Vancouver.
After beginning his studies at John Robert Powers in 2007, Colin’s experience in the entertainment industry began full swing with his enrollment into iPOP Vancouver in 2008. After participating in the excitement of iPOP, Colin returned home to modeling offers and opportunities that he could not pass up. He appeared on the inside cover of the 2009 catalogue for Technosport, as well as in nine other pages throughout the catalogue. In addition, Colin has been getting contracts with the Hudson Music Club and has appeared in plays such as The Music Man and Beauty and the Beast. Despite his hectic schedule, Colin still finds time to spend with the many friends he made at John Robert Powers and at iPOP Vancouver.
Anthony Clerveaux

Depuis ses débuts à John Robert Powers en 2008, Anthony Clerveaux a apparu dans des publicités pour Telus Mobilité, et il a participé à plusieurs films et émissions tournées localement. Il travaille présentement sur le tournage du film Sortie 67 où il y tient le rôle principal.
“John Robert Powers is the one of the best schools of training whether it is for acting, modeling, dancing or singing. It is an open door for kids and teenagers who want to act. The teachers are good and they have a lot of experiences for teaching us, and they give us tricks for auditions. For me, JRP set me in the right direction for starting my career. Now I just got my first movie main role and a commercial for an enterprise plus several auditions on movies and TV shows.”
- Anthony
Since beginning at John Robert Powers in 2008, Anthony Clerveaux has been featured in advertisements for Telus mobility, and has appeared in a variety of other locally produced movies and television shows. He is currently working on a movie called Sortie 67 in which he has the lead role.
- Anthony
Since beginning at John Robert Powers in 2008, Anthony Clerveaux has been featured in advertisements for Telus mobility, and has appeared in a variety of other locally produced movies and television shows. He is currently working on a movie called Sortie 67 in which he has the lead role.
Kathleen Garcia-Manjarres

"On ne sait jamais quand une bénédiction peut venir changer notre vie. John Robert Powers est un endroit où j’ai pu apprendre à défendre mes ambitions, mes rêves et mes qualités, afin d’être satisfaite de mon implication. J’ai rencontré d’extraordinaires et talentueux professeurs qui m’ont appris les rudiments du métier d’actrice. Mon intérêt pour l’étude de la condition humaine et de la vie en générale, a grandit grâce à ces professeurs.
Ma participation à iPOP Las Vegas a été une récompense pour l’investissement de tous mes efforts pendant les mois précédents la compétition. En apprenant comment pleurer facilement sans mon cours de Monologue et en apprenant à jouer des scènes humoristiques dans mes cours de Scène Télévisée et Improvisation, j’ai été en mesure de toucher un public et de mieux m’exprimer. Grâce à cette école, j’ai rencontré une de mes meilleures amies, j’ai été signé dans une agence montréalaise, j’ai enregistré mes premières chansons officielles, qui seront disponibles sur itune prochainement, et je suis actuellement en train de travailler sur le tournage de la seconde saison d’une émission appelé Tactik, diffusée sur TéléQuébec.
Après un an et demi à JRP, je suis en mesure de définir mon expérience comme une bénédiction. Merci au support de ma famille, du personnel et des enseignements. Plusieurs diront qu’une carrière dans cette industrie peut s’interrompre à tout moment, mais j’ai appris que ce sont la détermination, l’imagination, la passion et la foi qui influencent le destin de cette aventure."
“You never know when a blessing will come into contact with your life or at least how it will change it. John Robert Powers is a place where I was able to learn how to manifest my ambitions, dreams, and hard working qualities into such a way that I would be satisfied. I met wonderful and talented teachers that really taught me principals for acting that I hope to never forget. My love for the study of the human condition and the basic study of life has grown due to those inspiring teachers, as well.
Attending iPOP! Los Angeles was a rewarding experience after so many months of hard work. Through learning how to easily cry in monologue class and perform diverse comedic scenes in TV Scenes and Improvisation class, I was able to learn how to reach out to an audience and to better express myself. Due to the convention I met one of my best friends, got singed to a Montreal Agency, recorded my official singles that are to hit iTunes soon, and am currently working on the second season of a TV Show called Tactik on TéléQuébec.
After one year and a half at JRP I'm able to say that my experience here has been a true blessing thanks to my supportive family, the staff and teachers. Many will say that the entertainment business is just an industry that can interrupt one's future due to it's uncertainty but I've learned that the outcome of your experience whatever it may be depends on your determination, imagination, passion and most”
Attending iPOP! Los Angeles was a rewarding experience after so many months of hard work. Through learning how to easily cry in monologue class and perform diverse comedic scenes in TV Scenes and Improvisation class, I was able to learn how to reach out to an audience and to better express myself. Due to the convention I met one of my best friends, got singed to a Montreal Agency, recorded my official singles that are to hit iTunes soon, and am currently working on the second season of a TV Show called Tactik on TéléQuébec.
After one year and a half at JRP I'm able to say that my experience here has been a true blessing thanks to my supportive family, the staff and teachers. Many will say that the entertainment business is just an industry that can interrupt one's future due to it's uncertainty but I've learned that the outcome of your experience whatever it may be depends on your determination, imagination, passion and most”
Roshni Patel

"John Robert Powers est une école d’acteurs exquise. En commençant par l’accueillant et serviable personnel, en passant par les talentueux étudiants, jusqu’aux enseignants professionnels, tout chez John Robert Powers est parfait!
L’école est amusante, énergique, éducative et pleine de ressources. Les cours varient du jeu d’acteur, au chant, à la danse-tout y est! J’ai signé pour 3 ans et je suis très heureuse de mon choix car mes cours m’ont permis d’avoir confiance en moi, d’être plus ouverte et extrovertie, et de faire briller ma personnalité en prenant des risques.
L’école est amusante, énergique, éducative et pleine de ressources. Les cours varient du jeu d’acteur, au chant, à la danse-tout y est! J’ai signé pour 3 ans et je suis très heureuse de mon choix car mes cours m’ont permis d’avoir confiance en moi, d’être plus ouverte et extrovertie, et de faire briller ma personnalité en prenant des risques.
Le plus intéressant à propos de cette école est qu’en plus d’être rempli de divertissements et d’excitation, c’est une école de rêve qui vous guidera vers votre destinée. Nous devons tous travailler fort à l’atteinte de notre succès et cette école est le point de départ idéal. Pour moi, être choisie comme Miss Teen-Québec Globe 2009, parmi 40 compétitrices, a été mon plus grand succès jusqu’à maintenant. Si je n’avais pas été admise à John Robert Powers, je ne serais probablement pas Miss Teen-Québec Globe 2009. Je vais aussi participer à Miss Teen-Canada en août et j’ai très hâte de voir les résultats. Selon moi, John Robert Powers est l’outil essentiel vers le succès."
-Roshni Patel
“John Robert Powers is an exquisite acting school. From the nice and helpful staff, to the fun students, to the professional teachers, everything about John Robert Powers is simply perfect! This school is fun, energetic, educational and full of opportunities. Class subjects range from acting, to singing, to dancing - it has it all. I've signed up for three years and I'm very glad I made that decision because the acting classes I have taken have taught me how to be confident, more open, outgoing and make my personality shine by taking chances.
The best thing about this school is that not only is it packed with entertainment and excitement, it is the dream school that will guide you to your destiny. Everyone has to work for success and this school is the starting point in your journey to success. For me, being chosen as Miss Teen Quebec-Globe 2009 from 40 competitors is my biggest success yet. If I hadn't been accepted into John Robert Powers acting school, I probably wouldn't be Miss Teen Quebec-Globe 2009. I will also be running for Miss Teen Canada-Globe 2009 this August and am very excited for the results! In my view, John Robert Powers is the full package towards success.”
-Roshni Patel
Marly Chaudry

Je me sens très chanceuse d’être une étudiante chez John Robert Powers car je me fais offrir d’innombrables opportunités. Mon premier rappel a été pour un défilé de mode pour Taste of the Caribbean. Ce rappel a été une source de grande fierté et d’accomplissement. Cela a aussi été une motivation à travailler plus fort, ce que j’ai fais. Récemment, j’ai obtenu un rôle de figuration dans les films Funky Town et Fakers et je n’ai aucune intention de m’arrêter ici ou de ralentir.
Travailler comme figurante m’a seulement motivé à obtenir un rôle principal dans mon propre film. Je suis très reconnaissante de JRP : je peux honnêtement dire que sans cette opportunité, je ne serais pas allé aussi loin. Je dois dédier un merci bien spécial à mes enseignantes Laudia et Andru qui ont cru en moi et qui m’ont constamment poussé et soutenu. C’est très important d’utiliser les conseils des professeurs, ce que j’ai fais et que j’ai l’intention de continuer à faire. Grâce à JRP et les professeurs, j’ai l’impression que je peux accomplir tous les buts que je me fixe.
JRP a changé ma vie pour le mieux. Merci JRP!"
“My Experience at John Robert Powers has been an astounding one. The teachers and students are great. I am an aspiring Model/Actress. I first started JRP in December of 2008 at 18 years old and my first class was improvisation. I have learned so many techniques that I am able to apply in every audition that I attend. My second class at JRP was Image/Runway. Every week I learned something new about modeling and everything I learned I use where ever I go.
I feel very lucky to be a JRP student because I have an immense amount of opportunities here with non stop auditions and casting letters. My first call back was for a fashion show for Taste of the Caribbean. Getting a call back gave me a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. It also was a motivating factor to work harder, which is exactly what I did. Recently, I booked a role as an extra in the movies Funky Town and Fakers and I do not intend on stopping my success or slowing down.
Working on set on a movie as an extra only motivated me more to get a lead role in my own film. I am very grateful for JRP; I can honestly say that without this learning opportunity I would not have made it this far. I have to give special thanks to my teachers Laudia and Andru who really believe in me and constantly push me further. It is important to take all advice your teachers offer you, which is what I do and intend on continuing to do. Because of JRP and the teachers here, I feel as though I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
JPR has changed my life for the better. Thank You JRP.”
I feel very lucky to be a JRP student because I have an immense amount of opportunities here with non stop auditions and casting letters. My first call back was for a fashion show for Taste of the Caribbean. Getting a call back gave me a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. It also was a motivating factor to work harder, which is exactly what I did. Recently, I booked a role as an extra in the movies Funky Town and Fakers and I do not intend on stopping my success or slowing down.
Working on set on a movie as an extra only motivated me more to get a lead role in my own film. I am very grateful for JRP; I can honestly say that without this learning opportunity I would not have made it this far. I have to give special thanks to my teachers Laudia and Andru who really believe in me and constantly push me further. It is important to take all advice your teachers offer you, which is what I do and intend on continuing to do. Because of JRP and the teachers here, I feel as though I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
JPR has changed my life for the better. Thank You JRP.”
Katherine Nagy
"La première fois que j’ai franchi les portes de JRP, je n’avais aucune idée de ce qui m’attendait. J’y allais afin de poursuivre mon rêve de devenir actrice et mannequin. À mon audition, je ne pensais jamais être admise car j’avais un accent prononcé et j’étais très gênée. Quand je suis arrivée devant la caméra, j’ai mis mes inhibitions de côté et j’ai très bien performé, ce qui m’a permit d’être admise à l’académie. J’étais surprise mais très heureuse. Une semaine plus tard, les cours ont commencés et je les ai trouvés très bien structurés. J’ai vite perdu ma gêne et j’ai travaillé sur mon accent. Quelques mois plus tard, j’ai été accepté à iPOP Vancouver. iPOP est un événement rassemblant les agents, directeurs de casting et gérants de l’industrie à la recherche de la prochaine étoile montante. J’ai bien performé mais je n’étais pas totalement satisfaite de mes performances. Je reçu que 4 rappels. J’ai alors décidé de me rendre au prochain événement quelques mois plus tard. Pendant ces mois, j’ai travaillé très fort afin de me trouver le plus d’auditions possibles pour acquérir de l’expérience. J’en ai trouvé quelques-uns et j’ai reçu mon premier crédit UDA. J’ai même travaillé comme stagiaire chez John Robert Powers en enseignant aux plus jeunes comment marcher la piste de mode.
Il était finalement temps de participé à iPOP Los Angeles. J’avais beaucoup travaillé pour améliorer mes aptitudes comme actrice et mannequin, et ça l’a payé. Cette fois, j’ai reçu 12 rappels, dont un venant de la plus grande agence de mannequin au monde, Elite New-York. J’ai même reçu un prix pour la douzième place comme mannequin de l’année. J’étais très satisfaite de mes performances. Quand je suis revenue à Montréal, j’ai contacté mes rappels rapidement. J’ai voyagé à Toronto et New-York, et je quitte pour Los Angeles bientôt. Entre temps, je n’ai jamais arrêté de me trouver des auditions.
Cette année seulement, j’ai travaillé sur une émission nommée The Beautiful Life, avec Mischa Barton, Sara Paxton et Corbin Bleu. C’est ainsi que j’ai obtenu mon premier crédit ACTRA. J’ai aussi obtenue un photo shoot avec L’Oréal Paris. Chaque semaine du mois de mai, j’ai participé à un défilé de mode. Tout récemment, j’ai signé avec une agence exceptionnel à New-York, appelée MMG New-York. J’ai été à plusieurs auditions grâce à eux. John Robert Powers m’a apporté tout ce succès et je suis heureuse de faire partie de cette excellente académie. Les professeurs sont exceptionnels ainsi que les directeurs et l’administration. Ils ont été d’un énorme support à travers tout mon processus. Gênée et manque de confiance??? Ces mots ne sont plus dans mon vocabulaire. Merci John Robert Powers!"
-Katherine Nagy
“The first time I entered the doors of JRP, I had no clue what to expect. I was there to pursue my dream of becoming an actress and model. I was shy, young and barely spoke for myself. When I went for my audition, I thought I'd never make it, first of all because of my heavy accent and the fact that I was very shy. But when I got in front of that camera, I put my flaws aside and performed exceptionally well, which got me accepted to the academy. I was shocked and surprised but also extremely happy and excited. A week later, classes begun and I thought that they were very well put together. I grew quickly out of my shyness, and worked on my accent.
A couple of months later, I got accepted to IPOP Vancouver. IPOP is an event where many agents/casting directors/managers come together to find the next big stars. I did a great job, but I wasn't satisfied with my performances. I only received 4 callbacks. So I decided to go to the next one which was only a couple of months away. During those months, I worked very hard to find myself as many bookings as possible to get some experience. I found a few interesting bookings, and got my first UDA credit. I even worked as an intern at John Robert Powers, teaching young kids to walk the runway.
Finally it was time for IPOP Los Angeles. I worked very hard to improve my acting and modeling skills, and it paid off. This time around I got 12 callbacks, which included one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world, Elite New York. I even got a medal for being 12th model of the year. I was very satisfied with my performances. When I got back to Montreal, I started contacting my callbacks right away. I travelled to Toronto & New York, and will be soon heading to Los Angeles. In the meantime, I have never stopped getting myself bookings.
Just this year, I worked on a TV show called The Beautiful Life, with Mischa Barton, Sara Paxton & Corbin Bleu. This is how I got my first ACTRA credit. I also booked a photo shoot with L'Oréal Paris. Every week this past May, I have had a fashion show, making it my most successful month for modeling so far. Just a little while ago, I signed with a great agency in New York City called MMG New York. I have been on many auditions because of them. John Robert Powers has brought me all this success and I'm happy to be a part of this excellent academy. The teachers are exceptional as well as the directors and administration. They have all been very supportive throughout this process. SHY and UNCONFIDENT??? Those aren't words in my dictionary anymore. Thank you JOHN ROBERT POWERS!”
-Katherine Nagy
Kevin-Michael Pouliot
"John Robert Powers m’a extrêmement à bâtir ma confiance ce qui va m’assurer du succès dans ma carrière professionnelle ainsi que dans ma vie quotidienne. Chaque fois que je vais à une audition, je sais que je peux y arriver car JRP nous aide à nous exercer à devenir le meilleur possible. Chaque fois, je vois une amélioration et cela m’encourages à continuer. Merci John Robert Powers!"
-Kevin-Michael Pouliot
Kevin-Michael Pouliot est un étudiant chez JRP Montréal depuis 2008 et il a déjà vécu plusieurs expériences exceptionnelles grâce à sa formation. Il a travaillé pour POP Jeunesse, une émission de télévision sur le Canal VOX, et il a aussi apparu dans Skatoony, un jeu télévisé qui réunit l’animation et de l’action en direct. Kevin-Michael est présentement en train d’auditionner pour un rôle de soutient dans le film Upside Down, tourné avec Jim Sturgess et Kirsten Dunst.
De toute l’équipe de JRP Montréal, bon succès Kevin!
“John Robert Powers helped me tremendously in building my confidence which will ensure my success both for my professional career as well as in my everyday life. Every time I go to an audition, I know that I can do it because JRP helps us practice to always be the best we can be. Each time I see my improvements and this encourages me to keep going back. Thank you, John Robert Powers!”
-Kevin-Michael Pouliot
Kevin-Michael has been a student at JRP Montreal since 2008 and has already had some great experiences due to his training. He has worked on Pop Jeunesse, a television show on Canal VOX, and has also been featured in Skatoony, a game show which mixes live-action with animation. Kevin-Michael is currently auditioning for a supporting-role in the film "Upside Down" starring Jim Sturgess and Kirsten Dunst.
-Kevin-Michael Pouliot
Kevin-Michael has been a student at JRP Montreal since 2008 and has already had some great experiences due to his training. He has worked on Pop Jeunesse, a television show on Canal VOX, and has also been featured in Skatoony, a game show which mixes live-action with animation. Kevin-Michael is currently auditioning for a supporting-role in the film "Upside Down" starring Jim Sturgess and Kirsten Dunst.
From everyone at JRP Montreal, break a leg Kevin!
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