Photos nouveau produit médicinal pour la Fibrose Kystique
Usage : 2 years World Wide Trade
Casting Director
Helene Rousse
Casting Assistant
Magali et Karine
Call Backs
Selection by photos, only call backs will be seen in person.
Tuesday Afternoon August 24th from 13:00 to 18:00 and
Wednesday Morning August 25th from 10:00 to 13:00.
Dead Line submissions
Vendredi 20 Août - Friday Aug 20th 16:00
Instructions for submissions
Dead Line submissions
Vendredi 20 Août - Friday Aug 20th 16:00
Shooting schedule
Tournage Mercredi 1er Septembre et Jeudi 2 Septembre – Shooting September 1st and 2nd
Rate & Union
Frais d’Agence et buy out inclus :
$ 500 per Kid including agency fees and buyout
$ 750 per Teenager including agency fees and buyout
$ 1000 per Young Adults and Adults including agency fees and buyout
We are looking for: CAUCASIAN EUROPEAN LOOK ONLY, African American accepted, no Asian.
Photos nouveau produit médicinal pour la Fibrose Kystique
Usage : 2 years World Wide Trade
Casting Director
Helene Rousse
Casting Assistant
Magali et Karine
Call Backs
Selection by photos, only call backs will be seen in person.
Tuesday Afternoon August 24th from 13:00 to 18:00 and
Wednesday Morning August 25th from 10:00 to 13:00.
Dead Line submissions
Vendredi 20 Août - Friday Aug 20th 16:00
Instructions for submissions
Dead Line submissions
Vendredi 20 Août - Friday Aug 20th 16:00
Shooting schedule
Tournage Mercredi 1er Septembre et Jeudi 2 Septembre – Shooting September 1st and 2nd
Rate & Union
Frais d’Agence et buy out inclus :
$ 500 per Kid including agency fees and buyout
$ 750 per Teenager including agency fees and buyout
$ 1000 per Young Adults and Adults including agency fees and buyout
We are looking for: CAUCASIAN EUROPEAN LOOK ONLY, African American accepted, no Asian.
Tous Caucasiens très minces, en bonne santé/Caucasian, very thin but healthy.
- 5 Enfants de 7-10ans/kids (pas 6 ans, ni plus vieux que 10 ans) (Playground scene)
- 6 Adolescents de 13-17 ans /Teens (They hanging out )
- 2 Jeunes Adultes de 19-23 ans en couple/young adult in couple (Vespa Scene on or near bike)
- 4 Adultes 28-32 ans /Adults (Entering sporting events/getting tickets)
- 5 Enfants de 7-10ans/kids (pas 6 ans, ni plus vieux que 10 ans) (Playground scene)
- 6 Adolescents de 13-17 ans /Teens (They hanging out )
- 2 Jeunes Adultes de 19-23 ans en couple/young adult in couple (Vespa Scene on or near bike)
- 4 Adultes 28-32 ans /Adults (Entering sporting events/getting tickets)
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