La télésérie "Blue Mountain State", diffusée sur The Spike TV Network, recherche des acteurs pour des rôles principaux et des petits rôles (1 a 2 lignes).
Nous recherchons des hommes et des femmes de toute ethnicité, âgés entre 18-25 ans.
S’il-vous-plait, envoyez votre cv et headshot (si vous n’en possédez aucun, amenez une photo de la tête aux épaules) a avant jeudi le 29 avril 2010 a 21h00.
Bonne chance !
Casting TV Series ! Looking for actors
The TV Series "Blue Mountain State" on The Spike TV Network is seeking for actors to be hired for leads, re-occurring, day players and 1 liners.
We are seeking for males and females of all ethnicities, ranging from 18-25 years old.
Please send us your resume & headshot (if you do not have professional headshots, then please provide a photo that is head & shoulders / close-up only) at, before Thursday April 29th 2010 at 21h00.
Best of luck!
Total Casting Results

Hélène Rousse, directrice de casting chez Total Casting, a auditionnée nos étudiants le mercredi 21 avril dernier. Voici les jeunes talents de l’académie apparaissant sur la liste de rappel.
Continuez à donner votre maximum !
The casting director from Total Casting, Helene Rousse, has auditioned our students on April 21st. Here are our young talents who made it on her call back list.
Keep up the good work!
Brenna D’Ambrosio
Ivana Aquilino
Marousin Ramo
Gisela Nunez
Diana Munoz
Jonathan Emond
Peter Vardanian
Alec Ter-Mesropian
vous avez besoin d'un demo reel?
vous avez besion d'un head shot?
Le 27 et 28 avril vous pouvez avoir cette chance,
un rendez-vous avec Natali Film.
SVP appellez la réception ASAP (514)906 1000
Les places sont limitées!
need of a demo reel?
need of a head shot?
We are holding appointments with Natali Film
April 27th and April 28th.
Please call the front desk ASAP at (514) 906 1000
to book an appointment.

Holy Mothers, Theatre St. Catherine
One of the really fabulous things about theatre in this city is that no one seems to realize it is not supposed to be so diverse. Here we have a Dutch director, Jacqueline Van de Geer, mounting an Austrian play with local actors, Marie-Noelle Dufour, Caroline Fournier, and Michaela Di Cesare, in English.
Holy Mothers is a “pulp comedy,” engorged with provocative images, grotesque language and a bizarre plot. It is the theatrical equivalent of German Techno music played too loud in a small space, but it is riveting. Its author, Werner Schwab, is a legend in Europe. He was a sculptor, playwright and novelist reputed to have written most of his work drunk out of his mind to the accompaniment of the techno band Einsturzende Neubauten. He died very young of alcohol poisoning while listening to his friends play his beloved techno music.
The work is decidedly anti-bourgeois and much of the language scatological. In fact, it brings “toilet humour” to amazing new heights. Yet in spite of the lack of experience in the actors, Van de Geer has managed to keep the pace frenetic and the imagery over the top in a macabre non-realistic and truly engaging production.
This play confirms my suspicion that German language playwrights are trying to top their own morbid art form, Kindertottenlieder (Children Death Songs), so popular in the nineteenth century, with an even more horrific art form. I call it “rats nest wretched-ism” or the art of making life appear more miserable than it actually is. Schwab was the son of a cleaning lady who had been left by his Nazi father before he was born, and in a small Austrian town; his childhood could not have been a piece of Kuchen. He lived the first twelve years of his life in a basement apartment and only experienced humanity from the ground to the knees.
The three women in the play act out their fantasies and compete to tell their stories in a spiralling insanity which ricochets about the tiny stage. At one point Grete is in the throes of a passionate encounter while Mariedl reaches religious ecstasy in the bathroom and Erma has an epiphany over a liver sausage. Erma repeats at the conclusion that “they say that in this country everyone has a body in the basement.” This is about Austria where the bodies remain buried but not entirely forgotten.
The actors had the usual preview jitters but they managed to deliver inspired performances. If you can get down to Theatre Ste Catherine in the next week, treat yourself to a unique and provocative evening.
The Holy Mothers at the Theatre Sainte Catherine, 264 Ste Catherine Street. Box office: 514 284 3939. Through April 11. Matinees Sat and Sun 2 pm.

Je vous présente notre talentueuse et magnifique Laudia, une des meilleures coachs et enseignantes de JRP Montreal. Elle participe au concours de Miss Universe Canada. Cliquez sur le lien afin de voter pour sa candidature. Vous avez l'opportunité de voter jusqu'à 4 fois par jour!. Aidons Laudia à réalisé son rêve!
Here is our wonderful and talented Laudia, one of JRP's finest teachers. She recently had the opportunity to attend the Miss Universe Canada competition. Here is the link in which you may vote up to four times a day from the same IP address. Please show your support by voting and allowing her continue her dream at inspiring those around her.
Laudia is a vibrant and charismatic individual. Her motto is her favorite quote by Wayne Dyer: "If you change the way you look at things, what you look at changes." That being said, Laudia believes that it is important for humanity to realize the unique power that every person has to create the greatest life for him or herself.
Laudia was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo and moved to Canada at the age of 13. She is fluent in English, French and Lingala. Her frequent exposure to different cultures, and her experience traveling through Africa and Europe, created an interest and an aptitude for communication and the study of its importance.
A recent graduate from Carleton University with a degree in Mass Communications, Laudia is working towards her dream of becoming a Television host, which would allow her to reach out to people with her messages of inspiration and to be inspired. Eventually, she hopes to have her own television production company.
In addition to currently working for a local production company, she is also a model instructor and mentor for young models. In her spare time, she tutors young students; an experience she describes as, "absolutely invigorating". She holds the conviction that, it is important for society to communicate with youth, and to help them achieve a greater sense of self-confidence that will lead to a belief that their "contribution" is important to the world. Being Miss Universe Canada would allow Laudia to continue to nurture her desire to be a role model for women and children, and to accomplish a sense of unity in all the growth opportunities she hopes to create for herself.
on the look
On the look!
Nous recherchons un apprenti gestionnaire de scène, d'éclairage, de son et d'accessoires pour la production 'Lobby Hero' de Kenneth Lonergan. La coopérative est dirigée par Kelly-Ruth Mercier et sera présentée au Studio 16 du 6 au 14 octobre 2010. Pour de plus amples informations, s'il-vous-plait, communiquez avec Kelly-Ruth Mercier et Loretta Walsh à
Seeking set, lighting, sound and wardrobe designers plus an equity or equity apprentice stage manager for a production of 'Lobby Hero' by Kenneth Lonergan. This equity co-op reproduction is directed by Kelly-Ruth Mercier and will be staged at Studio 16 from October 6th to the 14th 2010. For more information please contact Kelly-Ruth Mercier and Loretta Walsh at